With limited international travel, this summer will be the opportunity for many of you to discover, or rediscover, the richness and charms of Canada's provinces.
Here are a some expressions that could help you in some situations!
English Phrases
1. Thanks so much. ( Merci beaucoup )
2. I really appreciate it. ( J’apprécie beaucoup )
3. Excuse me. ( Excusez-moi )
4. I’m sorry. ( je suis désolé (ée ) )
5. I’m learning English. ( j’apprends l’anglais )
6. I don’t understand. ( je ne comprends pas )
7. Could you repeat that, please? ( pouvez-vous répéter s’il vous plaît )
8. Could you please talk slower? ( pouvez-vous parler lentement )
9. Thank you. That helps a lot. ( merci. Cela m’aide beaucoup. )
10. Hi! I’m [Name]. (And you?) ( bonjour, je suis [Nom]. Et vous ? )
11. Nice to meet you. ( Heureux ( se ) de faire votre connaissance )
12. Where are you from? ( d’où êtes-vous ? )
French Phrases
13. Bonjour ( Hello )
14. S’il vous plait… ( please)
15. Oui / Non / Dˈaccord (Yes / No / OK)
16. Parlez-vous anglais? - (Do you speak English?)
17. Je m'appelle… - (My name is…)
18. Quel est votre nom ? - (What is your name? - informal)
19. Je ne comprends pas. - (I don’t understand.)
20. Merci – (Thank you.)
21. De rien – (You’re welcome)
22. Excusez-moi - (Excuse me.)
23. Quˈavez vous avez dit ? – (What did you say?)
24. Où sont les toilettes ? – (Where are the bathrooms?)
25. Salut ! – (Hi! / Bye! – informal)
Now that you’ve learned a few common French phrases, the next thing to do is learn how to refer individuals in a polite way. For example, a man would be referred to as Monsieur (same as Mr. or Sir in English). An older woman (or married women) would be referred to as Madame and a younger lady would be referred to as Mademoiselle.
Have a good vacation and stay safe!